4-fold promo leaflet
The University of Stirling has more than 220 undergraduate courses, combined with being able to live and study in Stirling, guaranteed accommodation, a flexible degree structure and up to £10,000 of funding available.
The client asked for a new layout of a 4 fold leaflet to promote the key benefits for new students. I took advantage of the full colour palette from their guidelines, also incorporating elements of their ‘fun’ graphics section to create a visually striking leaflet.
Annual magazine
Stirling Minds is an annual magazine for alumni, staff, and friends of the University. It highlights what’s been going on at the University, from changes on campus to student achievements and more.
When designing the new layout I worked closely with the account manager and client to plan content for each page. Once finalised I designed the first 8 pages to show the client a selection of layouts which would carry throughout the magazine. The client requested each new section must have a “large highlight photo” which I managed to implement in most sections.